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Next Gen Youth Group
"NextGen" is First Lutheran’s ministry to middle and high school youth (6th - 12th grade). It is a Christ centered ministry devoted to connecting students and their families to Christ, the church, and the community. We plan and encourage ministry events that nurture these relationships, setting a foundation of faith as young adults. NextGen meets monthly for movie nights, casual parties, games nights, and service projects. (A current medical consent and release form must be filled out in order for youth to participate in off campus events.)
Remember, "it's not as much fun, without YOU!"

Confirmation &
First Communion
Students in 7th & 8th grade may choose to take part in our confirmation program. Upon conclusion of the program, students publicly confess their baptismal faith during the Rite of Confirmation. For more information about the confirmation program at First Lutheran contact Pastor at (310) 545-5653 x237 or
To view the current confirmation schedule for 2022, click here.

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