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Opportunities to Serve
Through Giving

God is moving powerfully at First Lutheran Church of Manhattan Beach. Our mission is to faithfully follow our Lord Jesus Christ and further His kingdom by serving others. There are so many ways YOU too can serve Him and be involved at First Lutheran Church.

Please prayerfully consider giving your time, talents, financial support, or sharing goods with the less fortunate.

Ways You Can Give


We realize that your time is valuable. Here at First Lutheran, you are very welcome and encouraged to participate in one (or more) of our service outreach/activities as you have the opportunity to give your time. 


  • Thrivent Builds in cooperation with Habitat for Humanity - You can help improve a home, and lives, in your community with a one-day repair project. For more information please email Deacon Paul Lang via the Church Office

  • Church Beautification Projects - Help with church's specific improvement projects. For more information please email the Church Office

  • Church Work Day - Regular church maintenance. For more information please email the Church Office


There are many ways to donate at First Lutheran Church.


  • Click on this link to Donate Now or complete the printable Online Giving Form.  Once the form is complete and a copy of a voided check is attached, the form may be submitted into the Offering Plate or mailed to the attention of the Financial Secretary. 

  • Request a Giving Envelope Set.  Upon your next visit your envelopes will be available to you in the narthex (entrance of the sanctuary.)  You may then give at your leisure by cash or check.  Contact the Church Office.

  • Set up a payment through your financial institution's Bill Payment System with First Lutheran Church's information found at the bottom of this page.

  • When you shop Amazon Smile, Amazon minimally gives 0.5% to First Lutheran Church and Circle of Love Preschool. To start giving back today, First Lutheran Church’s Amazon Smile link is HERE.


Throughout the year, First Lutheran Church participates in various drives for goods; food drives, baby supplies, etc.

  • Food Drive - Let us be mindful of those less fortunate and pray for them as we reach out with God's love. First Lutheran Church will accept your donation of non-perishable food items such as canned goods, rice, pasta, boxed mashed potatoes, or you can make a monetary donation. Please contact the church office at 310-545-5653.

Think BIG

While First Lutheran Church of Manhattan Beach needs and is extremely grateful for your continued support through giving, there are many organizations worthy of your time, talents, and treasures.

Here are two examples, one local to the South Bay and one more globally minded, that are always in need of support:

LWR and human care.png

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

2 Corinthians 9:7

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